Hi, I'm Brendan

a colorful ring a colorful ring a colorful ring

PLM Fleet

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Associate Software Engineer

I am working full time as a Software Engineer at PLM Fleet. I gained experience in .NET development and improved my proficiency with Azure App Services, Dev Ops, and Deployment. I also passed a Microsoft Certification in Dynamics 365 Fundamentals.

Within 3 months there, I was leading development on 2 projects there "long overdue" (according to the business). These included rebuilding their website for selling end of life trailers, and integrating Power BI into the customer Portal.


Cabal Labs

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Web3 Research & Development Group


Cabal Labs is an organization I founded with 3 friends in the weeks following the ETH Bogotá 2022 Hackathon. At its core, Cabal Labs stands to promote, build, and maintain software that aligns with our mission: liberation through technology

We have evolved Cabal labs into a DAO which has allowed us to collaborate with more people, build a community, and allocate funds.

We've been attending ETH Global Hackathon's. At these

Smile Now

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Capture Moments

Mobile App Dev & Co-founder

Smile Now started as a discord channel in a server I created for my birthday party. My friend (and co-founder of Quae)Sam saw what it could be if it was a stand alone app. He created an MVP and his family loved it. We decided to build Smile Now Cris onto the project

We wanted to get into a beta phase as quickly as possible - so we gathered in my kitchen and build a 99.9% shippable app in 24 hours. By the end of the week it was passed review and on the app store.

Smile Now makes taking pictures fun. We made the process of creating and joining a party a total of only 3 clicks. Once a party has been activated random party goers will be notified to take a candid photo. By the end of the night, everyone will have gotten to take or pose for a photo. Nobody has to gather everyone to take a big group shot.

About Me

Software Engineer | Full Stack Dev | Designer

I'm a software engineer, entrepreneur, and a builder. I'm a full stack engineer, but I have focused mostly on front-end development. The skills I've learned have helped me build beautiful user interfaces captivating landing pages for the initiatives I'm working on.

My journey began in in my Freshman Year at Stevens Institute of Technology. Specifically, Intro to Programming for Engineers. I fell in love with coding and my passion granted me an opportunity to apply for Launchpad, a start accelerator. Launchpad gave me the opportunity, know-how, and support to start a Company.

Launchpad introduced me to some amazing people, (obviously, Sam my co-founder), but also Bryan and Marcos. Together we began teaching ourselves about blockchain technology and learning about smart contract development. We began attending hackathons and formed Cabal Labs.

In my spare time, I love cooking, motor sport, and video games (specifically racing games). I have an orange cat named beans

My Resume


Community Voting App


I founded Quae to address a problem I saw in the world: people aren't listened to by their leaders. Quae empowers people to be heard in their community and those elected to represent them.

Quae solves this problem by taking a new approach to how we vote. Right now, you only get to vote once every 4 years. Some problems can't wait 4 years. To take action today, people can use Quae to verifiably vote on projects, problems, or concerns in their community and use the results to create the change that is needed today.